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음대유학 Q&A
음악유학 Q&A

미국 음대 박사과정 개설학교??

페이지 정보

작성자 유명유학원 작성일10-02-24 18:45


좋은 결실 있기를...그리고 좋은 인연되기를 기원합니다.
박사과정을 개설한 학교리스트...입니다. 참조만 하세요...전공이 폐쇄됐을수도 있으니..
꼭...홈피로 확인해 보세요...그리고 나가기 1년전에 저한테 오셔서 상담받아 보시길 바랍니다.
<Doctor of Music Performance>

U of Colorado Boulder B, M,D
U of Connecticut D
U of Hartford  B,M,D
Yale  U  M,D
Catholic  U  of  America  B,M,D
Florida State U C,B,M,D
U of Miami  B, M, D
Indiana U Bloomington B, M, D
U of Iowa B, M D
U of Kansas  B M D
Louisiana State U and Agricultural and Mechanical  College B, M, D
Johns Hopkins U:Peabody  Conservatory of B, M, D
Johns Hopkins U B, M, D
Boston U B, M, D
U of Massachusetts Amherst B, M, d
Michigan State U B, M, D
U of Minnesota
  Duluth B, M
    Twin Cities  B, M, D
U of Southern Mississippi D
U of Missouri Kansas City B, M, D
  The State U of New Jersey: Mason Gross School of the Art B, M, D
    the State U of New Jersey: New Brunswick Graduate  Campus  M, D
City U of New York Brooklyn College M
Graduate School and U Centre D
Columbia U Teachers College M, D
Eastman School of Music of the U of Rochester B, M, D
Juilliard School B M D
Manhattan school of Music B M D
New York U B M D
State U of New York
Stony Brook M D
U of Rochester M D
Cleveland Institute of Music B M D
U of Cincinnati B M D
U of Oregon B M D
Temple U C B M D
U of south Carolina M D
U of Houston M D
U of North Texas B M D
U of Wisconsin
  Madison B M D


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상호: 유명유학원 | 대표자: 배일용 | 주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 313 성지하이츠1차 1214호 (역삼동 702-13 우. 06151)
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