
주요 음대(클래식) 오디션 정보

Indiana University_Bloomington - Voice 오디션 정보

  • 오디션날짜 :
  • 오디션곡목은 아래와 같습니다.
<예비 오디션>
Bachelor of Music (B.M.) 
1. "Star vicino" by Salvatore Rosa. Here are links to pdf files in several keys. Choose the key that best suits your voice.     
     - Star Vicino in F
     - Star Vicino in G
2. One art song in English; and
3. One selection of the applicant's choice.
Master of Music (M.M.) 
1. One German lied;
2. One French mélodie;
3. Two arias, at least one of which is from an opera; and
4. One art song in English.
Performer Diploma (P.D.)
The voice department considers the PD to be at the post-masters level.
Applicants must perform at a technical and artistic level which is at least equal to that of individuals who have completed an M.M. in vocal performance
1. One German lied;
2. One French mélodie;
3. Two arias, at least one of which is from an opera; and
4. One art song in English.
Doctor of Music (D.M.)
1. One German lied;
2. One French mélodie;
3. Two arias, at least one of which is from an opera; and
4. One art song in English.
<라이브 오디션>
Bachelor of Music (B.M.)    
1. One song in a language other than English
2. One art song in English; and
3. One selection of the applicant's choice.
Master of Music (M.M.)   :  예비오디션과 같음. 
Performer Diploma (P.D.) :  위의 예비오디션곡목에 2개 아리아(arias)추가  
                                                    오디션 참가시 악보 각 10부 복사본 준비
Doctor of Music (D.M.) 
-Eight selections in contrasting musical styles,
-two in each of the following languages: French, German, Italian, and English.
-Selections must include at least one, but no more than two operatic arias. One selection in each language will be heard

One German piece may be replaced by Slavic or Scandinavian repertoire.

One Italian piece may be replaced by Spanish or Latin-American repertoire or by a piece sung in the Latin language.

The applicant will begin with a piece of his/her choice which should be in English, Italian, French or German.

* 오디션 참가시 악보 각 10부 복사본 준비

상호: 유명유학원 | 대표자: 배일용 | 주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 313 성지하이츠1차 1214호 (역삼동 702-13 우. 06151)
Tel. 02-3478-0515 | E-mail. iybae85@naver.com
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