미국 Fresno 조기유학

미국조기유학은 경험많은 분들의 도움을 받고 진행해야 리스크를 줄일 수 있습니다. 아래 학교들은 미국가정 홈스테이를 원칙으로 합니다. 홈스테이는 현지학교 선생님과 교직원집에 배정을 합니다.


Forest Lake Academy (Florida)

학교이름 Forest Lake Academy (Florida) 위치 500 Education Loop Apopka, FL 32703
과정 9th~12th grades ESL Yes
수업시작일 8월(가을학기), 1월(봄학기) 원서마감 Rolling
비용 학비:$11815 , 홈스테이:$12800 , 기타:가디언($2000)
  • Application submitted online
  • Lifestyle Commitment Contract
  • Parent Acknowledgements
  • Notice of Drug and Substance Abuse Policy
  • OTC Medication Permission Form
  • Consent for Treatment/Medication & Field Trip Permission - NOTARIZED
  • Copy of Health Insurance - both sides
  • Two Recommendations
  • Financial Clearance Form
  • Copy of latest Report Card or High School Transcript
  • Copy of most recent standardized test scores (e.g. ITBS, FCAT, EXPLORE)
  • Copy of Birth Certificate
  • Immunization Record
  • Physical: ALL New students must have a new school physical prior to the beginning of the school year
—Location – Orlando, Florida
—Established – 1918
—Students – 235
—Teacher/Student Ration – 1:15
—Students in Class – 20
—International Students – 5%
—AP classes –
—Average SAT – 1529
—               ACR – 21.7
—Entry Requirements –
—Gr 9, Junior TOEFL 725, IBT 40
—Gr 10, Junior TOEFL 750, IBT 50
—Gr 11, Junior TOEFL 775, IBT 60
—Gr 12, Junior TOEFL 800, IBT 70
—Skype Interview
—ESL – Yes
—Accommodation – Homestay/Dorms

상호: 유명유학원 | 대표자: 배일용 | 주소 : 서울시 강남구 테헤란로 313 성지하이츠1차 1214호 (역삼동 702-13 우. 06151)
Tel. 02-3478-0515 | E-mail. iybae85@naver.com
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